Source code for labelbox.schema.data_row

from labelbox.orm import query
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject, Updateable, BulkDeletable
from labelbox.orm.model import Entity, Field, Relationship
from labelbox.schema.asset_metadata import AssetMetadata

[docs]class DataRow(DbObject, Updateable, BulkDeletable): """ Internal Labelbox representation of a single piece of data (e.g. image, video, text). Attributes: external_id (str): User-generated file name or identifier row_data (str): Paths to local files are uploaded to Labelbox's server. Otherwise, it's treated as an external URL. updated_at (datetime) created_at (datetime) dataset (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Dataset created_by (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to User organization (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Organization labels (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Label metadata (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to AssetMetadata predictions (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Prediction """ external_id = Field.String("external_id") row_data = Field.String("row_data") updated_at = Field.DateTime("updated_at") created_at = Field.DateTime("created_at") # Relationships dataset = Relationship.ToOne("Dataset") created_by = Relationship.ToOne("User", False, "created_by") organization = Relationship.ToOne("Organization", False) labels = Relationship.ToMany("Label", True) metadata = Relationship.ToMany("AssetMetadata", False, "metadata") predictions = Relationship.ToMany("Prediction", False) supported_meta_types = { meta_type.value for meta_type in AssetMetadata.MetaType }
[docs] @staticmethod def bulk_delete(data_rows): """ Deletes all the given DataRows. Args: data_rows (list of DataRow): The DataRows to delete. """ BulkDeletable._bulk_delete(data_rows, True)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.metadata.supports_filtering = False self.metadata.supports_sorting = False
[docs] def create_metadata(self, meta_type, meta_value): """ Attaches asset metadata to a DataRow. >>> datarow.create_metadata("TEXT", "This is a text message") Args: meta_type (str): Asset metadata type, must be one of: VIDEO, IMAGE, TEXT, IMAGE_OVERLAY (AssetMetadata.MetaType) meta_value (str): Asset metadata value. Returns: `AssetMetadata` DB object. Raises: ValueError: meta_type must be one of the supported types. """ if meta_type not in self.supported_meta_types: raise ValueError( f"meta_type must be one of {self.supported_meta_types}. Found {meta_type}" ) meta_type_param = "metaType" meta_value_param = "metaValue" data_row_id_param = "dataRowId" query_str = """mutation CreateAssetMetadataPyApi( $%s: AttachmentType!, $%s: String!, $%s: ID!) { createAssetMetadata(data: { metaType: $%s metaValue: $%s dataRowId: $%s}) {%s}} """ % ( meta_type_param, meta_value_param, data_row_id_param, meta_type_param, meta_value_param, data_row_id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.AssetMetadata)) res = self.client.execute( query_str, { meta_type_param: meta_type, meta_value_param: meta_value, data_row_id_param: self.uid }) return Entity.AssetMetadata(self.client, res["createAssetMetadata"])