Source code for labelbox.client

from datetime import datetime, timezone
import json
import logging
import mimetypes
import os
from typing import Tuple

from google.api_core import retry
import requests
import requests.exceptions

from labelbox import utils
import labelbox.exceptions
from labelbox.orm import query
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject
from labelbox.pagination import PaginatedCollection
from labelbox.schema.project import Project
from labelbox.schema.dataset import Dataset
from labelbox.schema.user import User
from labelbox.schema.organization import Organization
from labelbox.schema.labeling_frontend import LabelingFrontend
from labelbox import __version__ as SDK_VERSION

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


[docs]class Client: """ A Labelbox client. Contains info necessary for connecting to a Labelbox server (URL, authentication key). Provides functions for querying and creating top-level data objects (Projects, Datasets). """
[docs] def __init__(self, api_key=None, endpoint=''): """ Creates and initializes a Labelbox Client. Logging is defaulted to level WARNING. To receive more verbose output to console, update `logging.level` to the appropriate level. >>> import logger >>> logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO) >>> client = Client("<APIKEY>") Args: api_key (str): API key. If None, the key is obtained from the "LABELBOX_API_KEY" environment variable. endpoint (str): URL of the Labelbox server to connect to. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.AuthenticationError: If no `api_key` is provided as an argument or via the environment variable. """ if api_key is None: if _LABELBOX_API_KEY not in os.environ: raise labelbox.exceptions.AuthenticationError( "Labelbox API key not provided") api_key = os.environ[_LABELBOX_API_KEY] self.api_key = api_key"Initializing Labelbox client at '%s'", endpoint) self.endpoint = endpoint self.headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Authorization': 'Bearer %s' % api_key, 'X-User-Agent': f'python-sdk {SDK_VERSION}' }
#TODO: Add exponential backoff so we don'tt overwhelm the api
[docs] @retry.Retry(predicate=retry.if_exception_type( labelbox.exceptions.InternalServerError)) def execute(self, query, params=None, timeout=30.0): """ Sends a request to the server for the execution of the given query. Checks the response for errors and wraps errors in appropriate `labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError` subtypes. Args: query (str): The query to execute. params (dict): Query parameters referenced within the query. timeout (float): Max allowed time for query execution, in seconds. Returns: dict, parsed JSON response. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.AuthenticationError: If authentication failed. labelbox.exceptions.InvalidQueryError: If `query` is not syntactically or semantically valid (checked server-side). labelbox.exceptions.ApiLimitError: If the server API limit was exceeded. See "How to import data" in the online documentation to see API limits. labelbox.exceptions.TimeoutError: If response was not received in `timeout` seconds. labelbox.exceptions.NetworkError: If an unknown error occurred most likely due to connection issues. labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError: If an unknown error of any kind occurred. """ logger.debug("Query: %s, params: %r", query, params) # Convert datetimes to UTC strings. def convert_value(value): if isinstance(value, datetime): value = value.astimezone(timezone.utc) value = value.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") return value if params is not None: params = { key: convert_value(value) for key, value in params.items() } data = json.dumps({'query': query, 'variables': params}).encode('utf-8') try: response =, data=data, headers=self.headers, timeout=timeout) logger.debug("Response: %s", response.text) except requests.exceptions.Timeout as e: raise labelbox.exceptions.TimeoutError(str(e)) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: logger.error("Unknown error: %s", str(e)) raise labelbox.exceptions.NetworkError(e) except Exception as e: raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError( "Unknown error during Client.query(): " + str(e), e) try: r_json = response.json() except: if "upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers" \ in response.text: raise labelbox.exceptions.InternalServerError( "Connection reset") elif response.status_code == 502: error_502 = '502 Bad Gateway' raise labelbox.exceptions.InternalServerError(error_502) raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError( "Failed to parse response as JSON: %s" % response.text) errors = r_json.get("errors", []) def check_errors(keywords, *path): """ Helper that looks for any of the given `keywords` in any of current errors on paths (like error[path][component][to][keyword]). """ for error in errors: obj = error for path_elem in path: obj = obj.get(path_elem, {}) if obj in keywords: return error return None if check_errors(["AUTHENTICATION_ERROR"], "extensions", "exception", "code") is not None: raise labelbox.exceptions.AuthenticationError("Invalid API key") authorization_error = check_errors(["AUTHORIZATION_ERROR"], "extensions", "code") if authorization_error is not None: raise labelbox.exceptions.AuthorizationError( authorization_error["message"]) validation_error = check_errors(["GRAPHQL_VALIDATION_FAILED"], "extensions", "code") if validation_error is not None: message = validation_error["message"] if message == "Query complexity limit exceeded": raise labelbox.exceptions.ValidationFailedError(message) else: raise labelbox.exceptions.InvalidQueryError(message) graphql_error = check_errors(["GRAPHQL_PARSE_FAILED"], "extensions", "code") if graphql_error is not None: raise labelbox.exceptions.InvalidQueryError( graphql_error["message"]) # Check if API limit was exceeded response_msg = r_json.get("message", "") if response_msg.startswith("You have exceeded"): raise labelbox.exceptions.ApiLimitError(response_msg) resource_not_found_error = check_errors(["RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND"], "extensions", "exception", "code") if resource_not_found_error is not None: # Return None and let the caller methods raise an exception # as they already know which resource type and ID was requested return None # A lot of different error situations are now labeled serverside # as INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, when they are actually client errors. # TODO: fix this in the server API internal_server_error = check_errors(["INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR"], "extensions", "code") if internal_server_error is not None: message = internal_server_error.get("message") if message.startswith("Syntax Error"): raise labelbox.exceptions.InvalidQueryError(message) else: raise labelbox.exceptions.InternalServerError(message) if len(errors) > 0: logger.warning("Unparsed errors on query execution: %r", errors) raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError("Unknown error: %s" % str(errors)) # if we do return a proper error code, and didn't catch this above # reraise # this mainly catches a 401 for API access disabled for free tier # TODO: need to unify API errors to handle things more uniformly # in the SDK if response.status_code != message = f"{response.status_code} {response.reason}" cause = r_json.get('message') raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError(message, cause) return r_json["data"]
def upload_file(self, path: str) -> str: """Uploads given path to local file. Also includes best guess at the content type of the file. Args: path (str): path to local file to be uploaded. Returns: str, the URL of uploaded data. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError: If upload failed. """ content_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(path) filename = os.path.basename(path) with open(path, "rb") as f: return self.upload_data(, filename=filename, content_type=content_type) def upload_data(self, content: bytes, filename: str = None, content_type: str = None) -> str: """ Uploads the given data (bytes) to Labelbox. Args: content: bytestring to upload filename: name of the upload content_type: content type of data uploaded Returns: str, the URL of uploaded data. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError: If upload failed. """ request_data = { "operations": json.dumps({ "variables": { "file": None, "contentLength": len(content), "sign": False }, "query": """mutation UploadFile($file: Upload!, $contentLength: Int!, $sign: Boolean) { uploadFile(file: $file, contentLength: $contentLength, sign: $sign) {url filename} } """, }), "map": (None, json.dumps({"1": ["variables.file"]})), } response = self.endpoint, headers={"authorization": "Bearer %s" % self.api_key}, data=request_data, files={ "1": (filename, content, content_type) if (filename and content_type) else content }) try: file_data = response.json().get("data", None) except ValueError as e: # response is not valid JSON raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError( "Failed to upload, unknown cause", e) if not file_data or not file_data.get("uploadFile", None): raise labelbox.exceptions.LabelboxError( "Failed to upload, message: %s" % file_data.get("error", None)) return file_data["uploadFile"]["url"] def _get_single(self, db_object_type, uid): """ Fetches a single object of the given type, for the given ID. Args: db_object_type (type): DbObject subclass. uid (str): Unique ID of the row. Returns: Object of `db_object_type`. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: If there is no object of the given type for the given ID. """ query_str, params = query.get_single(db_object_type, uid) res = self.execute(query_str, params) res = res and res.get(utils.camel_case(db_object_type.type_name())) if res is None: raise labelbox.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError( db_object_type, params) else: return db_object_type(self, res)
[docs] def get_project(self, project_id): """ Gets a single Project with the given ID. >>> project = client.get_project("<project_id>") Args: project_id (str): Unique ID of the Project. Returns: The sought Project. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: If there is no Project with the given ID. """ return self._get_single(Project, project_id)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id): """ Gets a single Dataset with the given ID. >>> dataset = client.get_dataset("<dataset_id>") Args: dataset_id (str): Unique ID of the Dataset. Returns: The sought Dataset. Raises: labelbox.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundError: If there is no Dataset with the given ID. """ return self._get_single(Dataset, dataset_id)
[docs] def get_user(self): """ Gets the current User database object. >>> user = client.get_user() """ return self._get_single(User, None)
[docs] def get_organization(self): """ Gets the Organization DB object of the current user. >>> organization = client.get_organization() """ return self._get_single(Organization, None)
def _get_all(self, db_object_type, where): """ Fetches all the objects of the given type the user has access to. Args: db_object_type (type): DbObject subclass. where (Comparison, LogicalOperation or None): The `where` clause for filtering. Returns: An iterable of `db_object_type` instances. """ not_deleted = db_object_type.deleted == False where = not_deleted if where is None else where & not_deleted query_str, params = query.get_all(db_object_type, where) return PaginatedCollection( self, query_str, params, [utils.camel_case(db_object_type.type_name()) + "s"], db_object_type)
[docs] def get_projects(self, where=None): """ Fetches all the projects the user has access to. >>> projects = client.get_projects(where=( == "<project_name>") & (Project.description == "<project_description>")) Args: where (Comparison, LogicalOperation or None): The `where` clause for filtering. Returns: An iterable of Projects (typically a PaginatedCollection). """ return self._get_all(Project, where)
[docs] def get_datasets(self, where=None): """ Fetches one or more datasets. >>> datasets = client.get_datasets(where=( == "<dataset_name>") & (Dataset.description == "<dataset_description>")) Args: where (Comparison, LogicalOperation or None): The `where` clause for filtering. Returns: An iterable of Datasets (typically a PaginatedCollection). """ return self._get_all(Dataset, where)
[docs] def get_labeling_frontends(self, where=None): """ Fetches all the labeling frontends. >>> frontend = client.get_labeling_frontends( == "Editor") Args: where (Comparison, LogicalOperation or None): The `where` clause for filtering. Returns: An iterable of LabelingFrontends (typically a PaginatedCollection). """ return self._get_all(LabelingFrontend, where)
def _create(self, db_object_type, data): """ Creates an object on the server. Attribute values are passed as keyword arguments: Args: db_object_type (type): A DbObjectType subtype. data (dict): Keys are attributes or their names (in Python, snake-case convention) and values are desired attribute values. Returns: A new object of the given DB object type. Raises: InvalidAttributeError: If the DB object type does not contain any of the attribute names given in `data`. """ # Convert string attribute names to Field or Relationship objects. # Also convert Labelbox object values to their UIDs. data = { db_object_type.attribute(attr) if isinstance(attr, str) else attr: value.uid if isinstance(value, DbObject) else value for attr, value in data.items() } query_string, params = query.create(db_object_type, data) res = self.execute(query_string, params) res = res["create%s" % db_object_type.type_name()] return db_object_type(self, res)
[docs] def create_dataset(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a Dataset object on the server. Attribute values are passed as keyword arguments. >>> project = client.get_project("<project_uid>") >>> dataset = client.create_dataset(name="<dataset_name>", projects=project) Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments with Dataset attribute values. Returns: A new Dataset object. Raises: InvalidAttributeError: If the Dataset type does not contain any of the attribute names given in kwargs. """ return self._create(Dataset, kwargs)
[docs] def create_project(self, **kwargs): """ Creates a Project object on the server. Attribute values are passed as keyword arguments. >>> project = client.create_project(name="<project_name>", description="<project_description>") Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments with Project attribute values. Returns: A new Project object. Raises: InvalidAttributeError: If the Project type does not contain any of the attribute names given in kwargs. """ return self._create(Project, kwargs)