Source code for labelbox.schema.project

import json
import logging
from string import Template
import time
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, overload
from urllib.parse import urlparse

import requests

from labelbox import parser
from labelbox import utils
from labelbox.exceptions import (
from labelbox.orm import query
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject, Deletable, Updateable, experimental
from labelbox.orm.model import Entity, Field, Relationship
from labelbox.pagination import PaginatedCollection
from labelbox.schema.consensus_settings import ConsensusSettings
from labelbox.schema.create_batches_task import CreateBatchesTask
from labelbox.schema.data_row import DataRow
from labelbox.schema.export_filters import ProjectExportFilters, validate_datetime, build_filters
from labelbox.schema.export_params import ProjectExportParams
from labelbox.schema.export_task import ExportTask
from labelbox.schema.id_type import IdType
from labelbox.schema.identifiable import DataRowIdentifier, GlobalKey, UniqueId
from labelbox.schema.identifiables import DataRowIdentifiers, UniqueIds
from labelbox.schema.media_type import MediaType
from labelbox.schema.queue_mode import QueueMode
from labelbox.schema.resource_tag import ResourceTag
from labelbox.schema.task import Task
from labelbox.schema.task_queue import TaskQueue

    from labelbox import BulkImportRequest

    from import LBV1Converter
except ImportError:

DataRowPriority = int
LabelingParameterOverrideInput = Tuple[Union[DataRow, DataRowIdentifier],

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def validate_labeling_parameter_overrides(
        data: List[LabelingParameterOverrideInput]) -> None:
    for idx, row in enumerate(data):
        if len(row) < 2:
            raise TypeError(
                f"Data must be a list of tuples each containing two elements: a DataRow or a DataRowIdentifier and priority (int). Found {len(row)} items. Index: {idx}"
        data_row_identifier = row[0]
        priority = row[1]
        valid_types = (Entity.DataRow, UniqueId, GlobalKey)
        if not isinstance(data_row_identifier, valid_types):
            raise TypeError(
                f"Data row identifier should be be of type DataRow, UniqueId or GlobalKey. Found {type(data_row_identifier)} for data_row_identifier {data_row_identifier}"

        if not isinstance(priority, int):
            if isinstance(data_row_identifier, Entity.DataRow):
                id = data_row_identifier.uid
                id = data_row_identifier
            raise TypeError(
                f"Priority must be an int. Found {type(priority)} for data_row_identifier {id}"

[docs]class Project(DbObject, Updateable, Deletable): """ A Project is a container that includes a labeling frontend, an ontology, datasets and labels. Attributes: name (str) description (str) updated_at (datetime) created_at (datetime) setup_complete (datetime) last_activity_time (datetime) queue_mode (string) auto_audit_number_of_labels (int) auto_audit_percentage (float) created_by (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to User organization (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Organization labeling_frontend (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to LabelingFrontend labeling_frontend_options (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to LabelingFrontendOptions labeling_parameter_overrides (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to LabelingParameterOverride webhooks (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Webhook benchmarks (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Benchmark ontology (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Ontology task_queues (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to TaskQueue """ name = Field.String("name") description = Field.String("description") updated_at = Field.DateTime("updated_at") created_at = Field.DateTime("created_at") setup_complete = Field.DateTime("setup_complete") last_activity_time = Field.DateTime("last_activity_time") queue_mode = Field.Enum(QueueMode, "queue_mode") auto_audit_number_of_labels = Field.Int("auto_audit_number_of_labels") auto_audit_percentage = Field.Float("auto_audit_percentage") # Bind data_type and allowedMediaTYpe using the GraphQL type MediaType media_type = Field.Enum(MediaType, "media_type", "allowedMediaType") # Relationships created_by = Relationship.ToOne("User", False, "created_by") organization = Relationship.ToOne("Organization", False) labeling_frontend = Relationship.ToOne("LabelingFrontend") labeling_frontend_options = Relationship.ToMany( "LabelingFrontendOptions", False, "labeling_frontend_options") labeling_parameter_overrides = Relationship.ToMany( "LabelingParameterOverride", False, "labeling_parameter_overrides") webhooks = Relationship.ToMany("Webhook", False) benchmarks = Relationship.ToMany("Benchmark", False) ontology = Relationship.ToOne("Ontology", True) # _wait_processing_max_seconds = 3600
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates this project with the specified attributes Args: kwargs: a dictionary containing attributes to be upserted Note that the queue_mode cannot be changed after a project has been created. Additionally, the quality setting cannot be changed after a project has been created. The quality mode for a project is inferred through the following attributes: Benchmark: auto_audit_number_of_labels = 1 and auto_audit_percentage = 1.0 Consensus: auto_audit_number_of_labels > 1 or auto_audit_percentage <= 1.0 Attempting to switch between benchmark and consensus modes is an invalid operation and will result in an error. """ media_type = kwargs.get("media_type") if media_type: if MediaType.is_supported(media_type): kwargs["media_type"] = media_type.value else: raise TypeError(f"{media_type} is not a valid media type. Use" f" any of {MediaType.get_supported_members()}" " from MediaType. Example: MediaType.Image.") return super().update(**kwargs)
[docs] def members(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Fetch all current members for this project Returns: A `PaginatedCollection` of `ProjectMember`s """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query ProjectMemberOverviewPyApi($%s: ID!) { project(where: {id : $%s}) { id members(skip: %%d first: %%d){ id user { %s } role { id name } accessFrom } } }""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.User)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: str(self.uid)}, ["project", "members"], ProjectMember)
[docs] def update_project_resource_tags( self, resource_tag_ids: List[str]) -> List[ResourceTag]: """ Creates project resource tags Args: resource_tag_ids Returns: a list of ResourceTag ids that was created. """ project_id_param = "projectId" tag_ids_param = "resourceTagIds" query_str = """mutation UpdateProjectResourceTagsPyApi($%s:ID!,$%s:[String!]) { project(where:{id:$%s}){updateProjectResourceTags(input:{%s:$%s}){%s}}}""" % ( project_id_param, tag_ids_param, project_id_param, tag_ids_param, tag_ids_param, query.results_query_part(ResourceTag)) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { project_id_param: self.uid, tag_ids_param: resource_tag_ids }) return [ ResourceTag(self.client, tag) for tag in res["project"]["updateProjectResourceTags"] ]
[docs] def labels(self, datasets=None, order_by=None) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Custom relationship expansion method to support limited filtering. Args: datasets (iterable of Dataset): Optional collection of Datasets whose Labels are sought. If not provided, all Labels in this Project are returned. order_by (None or (Field, Field.Order)): Ordering clause. """ Label = Entity.Label if datasets is not None: where = " where:{dataRow: {dataset: {id_in: [%s]}}}" % ", ".join( '"%s"' % dataset.uid for dataset in datasets) else: where = "" if order_by is not None: query.check_order_by_clause(Label, order_by) order_by_str = "orderBy: %s_%s" % (order_by[0].graphql_name, order_by[1].name.upper()) else: order_by_str = "" id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query GetProjectLabelsPyApi($%s: ID!) {project (where: {id: $%s}) {labels (skip: %%d first: %%d %s %s) {%s}}}""" % ( id_param, id_param, where, order_by_str, query.results_query_part(Label)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ["project", "labels"], Label)
[docs] def export_queued_data_rows( self, timeout_seconds=120, include_metadata: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Returns all data rows that are currently enqueued for this project. Args: timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. include_metadata (bool): True to return related DataRow metadata Returns: Data row fields for all data rows in the queue as json Raises: LabelboxError: if the export fails or is unable to download within the specified time. """ warnings.warn( "You are currently utilizing exports v1 for this action, which will be deprecated after December 31st, 2023. We recommend transitioning to exports v2. To view export v2 details, visit our docs:", DeprecationWarning) id_param = "projectId" metadata_param = "includeMetadataInput" query_str = """mutation GetQueuedDataRowsExportUrlPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Boolean!) {exportQueuedDataRows(data:{projectId: $%s , includeMetadataInput: $%s}) {downloadUrl createdAt status} } """ % (id_param, metadata_param, id_param, metadata_param) sleep_time = 2 start_time = time.time() while True: res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, metadata_param: include_metadata }) res = res["exportQueuedDataRows"] if res["status"] == "COMPLETE": download_url = res["downloadUrl"] response = requests.get(download_url) response.raise_for_status() return parser.loads(response.text) elif res["status"] == "FAILED": raise LabelboxError("Data row export failed.") current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time > timeout_seconds: raise LabelboxError( f"Unable to export data rows within {timeout_seconds} seconds." ) logger.debug( "Project '%s' queued data row export, waiting for server...", self.uid) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] def label_generator(self, timeout_seconds=600, **kwargs): """ Download text and image annotations, or video annotations. For a mixture of text/image and video, use project.export_labels() Returns: LabelGenerator for accessing labels """ _check_converter_import() json_data = self.export_labels(download=True, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, **kwargs) # assert that the instance this would fail is only if timeout runs out assert isinstance( json_data, List), "Unable to successfully get labels. Please try again" if json_data is None: raise TimeoutError( f"Unable to download labels in {timeout_seconds} seconds." "Please try again or contact support if the issue persists.") is_video = [ "frames" in row["Label"] for row in json_data if row["Label"] and not row["Skipped"] ] if len(is_video) and not all(is_video) and any(is_video): raise ValueError( "Found mixed data types of video and text/image. " "Use project.export_labels() to export projects with mixed data types. " ) if len(is_video) and all(is_video): # Filter skipped labels to avoid inference errors json_data = [ label for label in self.export_labels(download=True) if not label["Skipped"] ] return LBV1Converter.deserialize_video(json_data, self.client) return LBV1Converter.deserialize(json_data)
[docs] def export_labels(self, download=False, timeout_seconds=1800, **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[str, List[Dict[Any, Any]]]]: """ Calls the server-side Label exporting that generates a JSON payload, and returns the URL to that payload. Will only generate a new URL at a max frequency of 30 min. Args: download (bool): Returns the url if False timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. start (str): Earliest date for labels, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" end (str): Latest date for labels, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" last_activity_start (str): Will include all labels that have had any updates to data rows, issues, comments, metadata, or reviews since this timestamp. formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" last_activity_end (str): Will include all labels that do not have any updates to data rows, issues, comments, metadata, or reviews after this timestamp. formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" Returns: URL of the data file with this Project's labels. If the server didn't generate during the `timeout_seconds` period, None is returned. """ warnings.warn( "You are currently utilizing exports v1 for this action, which will be deprecated after December 31st, 2023. We recommend transitioning to exports v2. To view export v2 details, visit our docs:", DeprecationWarning) def _string_from_dict(dictionary: dict, value_with_quotes=False) -> str: """Returns a concatenated string of the dictionary's keys and values The string will be formatted as {key}: 'value' for each key. Value will be inclusive of quotations while key will not. This can be toggled with `value_with_quotes`""" quote = "\"" if value_with_quotes else "" return ",".join([ f"""{c}: {quote}{dictionary.get(c)}{quote}""" for c in dictionary if dictionary.get(c) ]) sleep_time = 2 id_param = "projectId" filter_param = "" filter_param_dict = {} if "start" in kwargs or "end" in kwargs: created_at_dict = { "start": kwargs.get("start", ""), "end": kwargs.get("end", "") } [validate_datetime(date) for date in created_at_dict.values()] filter_param_dict["labelCreatedAt"] = "{%s}" % _string_from_dict( created_at_dict, value_with_quotes=True) if "last_activity_start" in kwargs or "last_activity_end" in kwargs: last_activity_start = kwargs.get('last_activity_start') last_activity_end = kwargs.get('last_activity_end') if last_activity_start: validate_datetime(str(last_activity_start)) if last_activity_end: validate_datetime(str(last_activity_end)) filter_param_dict["lastActivityAt"] = "{%s}" % _string_from_dict( { "start": last_activity_start, "end": last_activity_end }, value_with_quotes=True) if filter_param_dict: filter_param = """, filters: {%s }""" % (_string_from_dict( filter_param_dict, value_with_quotes=False)) query_str = """mutation GetLabelExportUrlPyApi($%s: ID!) {exportLabels(data:{projectId: $%s%s}) {downloadUrl createdAt shouldPoll} } """ % (id_param, id_param, filter_param) start_time = time.time() while True: res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) res = res["exportLabels"] if not res["shouldPoll"] and res["downloadUrl"] is not None: url = res['downloadUrl'] if not download: return url else: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time > timeout_seconds: return None logger.debug("Project '%s' label export, waiting for server...", self.uid) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] @experimental def export( self, task_name: Optional[str] = None, filters: Optional[ProjectExportFilters] = None, params: Optional[ProjectExportParams] = None, ) -> ExportTask: """ Creates a project export task with the given params and returns the task. >>> task = project.export( >>> filters={ >>> "last_activity_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "label_created_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "data_row_ids": [DATA_ROW_ID_1, DATA_ROW_ID_2, ...] # or global_keys: [DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_1, DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_2, ...] >>> "batch_ids": [BATCH_ID_1, BATCH_ID_2, ...] >>> }, >>> params={ >>> "performance_details": False, >>> "label_details": True >>> }) >>> task.wait_till_done() >>> task.result """ task = self.export_v2(task_name, filters, params, streamable=True) return ExportTask(task)
[docs] def export_v2( self, task_name: Optional[str] = None, filters: Optional[ProjectExportFilters] = None, params: Optional[ProjectExportParams] = None, streamable: bool = False, ) -> Task: """ Creates a project export task with the given params and returns the task. For more information visit: >>> task = project.export_v2( >>> filters={ >>> "last_activity_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "label_created_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "data_row_ids": [DATA_ROW_ID_1, DATA_ROW_ID_2, ...] # or global_keys: [DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_1, DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_2, ...] >>> "batch_ids": [BATCH_ID_1, BATCH_ID_2, ...] >>> }, >>> params={ >>> "performance_details": False, >>> "label_details": True >>> }) >>> task.wait_till_done() >>> task.result """ _params = params or ProjectExportParams({ "attachments": False, "metadata_fields": False, "data_row_details": False, "project_details": False, "performance_details": False, "label_details": False, "media_type_override": None, "interpolated_frames": False, }) _filters = filters or ProjectExportFilters({ "last_activity_at": None, "label_created_at": None, "data_row_ids": None, "global_keys": None, "batch_ids": None, "workflow_status": None }) mutation_name = "exportDataRowsInProject" create_task_query_str = ( f"mutation {mutation_name}PyApi" f"($input: ExportDataRowsInProjectInput!)" f"{{{mutation_name}(input: $input){{taskId}}}}") media_type_override = _params.get('media_type_override', None) query_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "input": { "taskName": task_name, "filters": { "projectId": self.uid, "searchQuery": { "scope": None, "query": [], } }, "params": { "mediaTypeOverride": media_type_override.value if media_type_override is not None else None, "includeAttachments": _params.get('attachments', False), "includeMetadata": _params.get('metadata_fields', False), "includeDataRowDetails": _params.get('data_row_details', False), "includeProjectDetails": _params.get('project_details', False), "includePerformanceDetails": _params.get('performance_details', False), "includeLabelDetails": _params.get('label_details', False), "includeInterpolatedFrames": _params.get('interpolated_frames', False), }, "streamable": streamable, } } search_query = build_filters(self.client, _filters) query_params["input"]["filters"]["searchQuery"]["query"] = search_query res = self.client.execute(create_task_query_str, query_params, error_log_key="errors") res = res[mutation_name] task_id = res["taskId"] return Task.get_task(self.client, task_id)
[docs] def export_issues(self, status=None) -> str: """ Calls the server-side Issues exporting that returns the URL to that payload. Args: status (string): valid values: Open, Resolved Returns: URL of the data file with this Project's issues. """ id_param = "projectId" status_param = "status" query_str = """query GetProjectIssuesExportPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: IssueStatus) { project(where: { id: $%s }) { issueExportUrl(where: { status: $%s }) } }""" % (id_param, status_param, id_param, status_param) valid_statuses = {None, "Open", "Resolved"} if status not in valid_statuses: raise ValueError("status must be in {}. Found {}".format( valid_statuses, status)) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, status_param: status }) res = res['project'] logger.debug("Project '%s' issues export, link generated", self.uid) return res.get('issueExportUrl')
[docs] def upsert_instructions(self, instructions_file: str) -> None: """ * Uploads instructions to the UI. Running more than once will replace the instructions Args: instructions_file (str): Path to a local file. * Must be a pdf or html file Raises: ValueError: * project must be setup * instructions file must have a ".pdf" or ".html" extension """ if self.setup_complete is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot attach instructions to a project that has not been set up." ) frontend = self.labeling_frontend() if != "Editor": logger.warning( f"This function has only been tested to work with the Editor front end. Found %s", supported_instruction_formats = (".pdf", ".html") if not instructions_file.endswith(supported_instruction_formats): raise ValueError( f"instructions_file must be a pdf or html file. Found {instructions_file}" ) instructions_url = self.client.upload_file(instructions_file) query_str = """mutation setprojectinsructionsPyApi($projectId: ID!, $instructions_url: String!) { setProjectInstructions( where: {id: $projectId}, data: {instructionsUrl: $instructions_url} ) { id ontology { id options } } }""" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'projectId': self.uid, 'instructions_url': instructions_url })
[docs] def labeler_performance(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Returns the labeler performances for this Project. Returns: A PaginatedCollection of LabelerPerformance objects. """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query LabelerPerformancePyApi($%s: ID!) { project(where: {id: $%s}) { labelerPerformance(skip: %%d first: %%d) { count user {%s} secondsPerLabel totalTimeLabeling consensus averageBenchmarkAgreement lastActivityTime} }}""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.User)) def create_labeler_performance(client, result): result["user"] = Entity.User(client, result["user"]) # python isoformat doesn't accept Z as utc timezone result["lastActivityTime"] = utils.format_iso_from_string( result["lastActivityTime"].replace('Z', '+00:00')) return LabelerPerformance(**{ utils.snake_case(key): value for key, value in result.items() }) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ["project", "labelerPerformance"], create_labeler_performance)
[docs] def review_metrics(self, net_score) -> int: """ Returns this Project's review metrics. Args: net_score (None or Review.NetScore): Indicates desired metric. Returns: int, aggregation count of reviews for given `net_score`. """ if net_score not in (None,) + tuple(Entity.Review.NetScore): raise InvalidQueryError( "Review metrics net score must be either None " "or one of Review.NetScore values") id_param = "projectId" net_score_literal = "None" if net_score is None else query_str = """query ProjectReviewMetricsPyApi($%s: ID!){ project(where: {id:$%s}) {reviewMetrics {labelAggregate(netScore: %s) {count}}} }""" % (id_param, id_param, net_score_literal) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["project"]["reviewMetrics"]["labelAggregate"]["count"]
[docs] def setup_editor(self, ontology) -> None: """ Sets up the project using the Pictor editor. Args: ontology (Ontology): The ontology to attach to the project """ if self.labeling_frontend() is not None: raise ResourceConflict("Editor is already set up.") labeling_frontend = next( self.client.get_labeling_frontends( == "Editor")) self.labeling_frontend.connect(labeling_frontend) LFO = Entity.LabelingFrontendOptions self.client._create( LFO, { LFO.project: self, LFO.labeling_frontend: labeling_frontend, LFO.customization_options: json.dumps({ "tools": [], "classifications": [] }) }) query_str = """mutation ConnectOntologyPyApi($projectId: ID!, $ontologyId: ID!){ project(where: {id: $projectId}) {connectOntology(ontologyId: $ontologyId) {id}}}""" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'ontologyId': ontology.uid, 'projectId': self.uid }) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.update(setup_complete=timestamp)
[docs] def setup(self, labeling_frontend, labeling_frontend_options) -> None: """ Finalizes the Project setup. Args: labeling_frontend (LabelingFrontend): Which UI to use to label the data. labeling_frontend_options (dict or str): Labeling frontend options, a.k.a. project ontology. If given a `dict` it will be converted to `str` using `json.dumps`. """ if self.labeling_frontend() is not None: raise ResourceConflict("Editor is already set up.") if not isinstance(labeling_frontend_options, str): labeling_frontend_options = json.dumps(labeling_frontend_options) self.labeling_frontend.connect(labeling_frontend) LFO = Entity.LabelingFrontendOptions self.client._create( LFO, { LFO.project: self, LFO.labeling_frontend: labeling_frontend, LFO.customization_options: labeling_frontend_options }) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.update(setup_complete=timestamp)
[docs] def create_batch( self, name: str, data_rows: Optional[List[Union[str, DataRow]]] = None, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """ Creates a new batch for a project. One of `global_keys` or `data_rows` must be provided, but not both. A maximum of 100,000 data rows can be added to a batch. Args: name: a name for the batch, must be unique within a project data_rows: Either a list of `DataRows` or Data Row ids. global_keys: global keys for data rows to add to the batch. priority: An optional priority for the Data Rows in the Batch. 1 highest -> 5 lowest consensus_settings: An optional dictionary with consensus settings: {'number_of_labels': 3, 'coverage_percentage': 0.1} Returns: the created batch """ # @TODO: make this automatic? if self.queue_mode != QueueMode.Batch: raise ValueError("Project must be in batch mode") dr_ids = [] if data_rows is not None: for dr in data_rows: if isinstance(dr, Entity.DataRow): dr_ids.append(dr.uid) elif isinstance(dr, str): dr_ids.append(dr) else: raise ValueError( "`data_rows` must be DataRow ids or DataRow objects") if data_rows is not None: row_count = len(dr_ids) elif global_keys is not None: row_count = len(global_keys) else: row_count = 0 if row_count > 100_000: raise ValueError( f"Batch exceeds max size, break into smaller batches") if not row_count: raise ValueError("You need at least one data row in a batch") self._wait_until_data_rows_are_processed( dr_ids, global_keys, self._wait_processing_max_seconds) if consensus_settings: consensus_settings = ConsensusSettings(**consensus_settings).dict( by_alias=True) if row_count >= 1_000: return self._create_batch_async(name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings) else: return self._create_batch_sync(name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings)
[docs] def create_batches( self, name_prefix: str, data_rows: Optional[List[Union[str, DataRow]]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, ) -> CreateBatchesTask: """ Creates batches for a project from a list of data rows. One of `global_keys` or `data_rows` must be provided, but not both. When more than 100k data rows are specified and thus multiple batches are needed, the specific batch that each data row will be placed in is undefined. Batches will be created with the specified name prefix and a unique suffix. The suffix will be a 4-digit number starting at 0000. For example, if the name prefix is "batch" and 3 batches are created, the names will be "batch0000", "batch0001", and "batch0002". This method will throw an error if a batch with the same name already exists. Args: name_prefix: a prefix for the batch names, must be unique within a project data_rows: Either a list of `DataRows` or Data Row ids. global_keys: global keys for data rows to add to the batch. priority: An optional priority for the Data Rows in the Batch. 1 highest -> 5 lowest consensus_settings: An optional dictionary with consensus settings: {'number_of_labels': 3, 'coverage_percentage': 0.1} Returns: a task for the created batches """ if self.queue_mode != QueueMode.Batch: raise ValueError("Project must be in batch mode") dr_ids = [] if data_rows is not None: for dr in data_rows: if isinstance(dr, Entity.DataRow): dr_ids.append(dr.uid) elif isinstance(dr, str): dr_ids.append(dr) else: raise ValueError( "`data_rows` must be DataRow ids or DataRow objects") self._wait_until_data_rows_are_processed( dr_ids, global_keys, self._wait_processing_max_seconds) if consensus_settings: consensus_settings = ConsensusSettings(**consensus_settings).dict( by_alias=True) method = 'createBatches' mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: CreateBatchesInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { tasks { batchUuid taskId } } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "batchNamePrefix": name_prefix, "dataRowIds": dr_ids, "globalKeys": global_keys, "priority": priority, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } tasks = self.client.execute( mutation_str, params, experimental=True)["project"][method]["tasks"] batch_ids = [task["batchUuid"] for task in tasks] task_ids = [task["taskId"] for task in tasks] return CreateBatchesTask(self.client, self.uid, batch_ids, task_ids)
[docs] def create_batches_from_dataset( self, name_prefix: str, dataset_id: str, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None) -> CreateBatchesTask: """ Creates batches for a project from a dataset, selecting only the data rows that are not already added to the project. When the dataset contains more than 100k data rows and multiple batches are needed, the specific batch that each data row will be placed in is undefined. Note that data rows may not be immediately available for a project after being added to a dataset; use the `_wait_until_data_rows_are_processed` method to ensure that data rows are available before creating batches. Batches will be created with the specified name prefix and a unique suffix. The suffix will be a 4-digit number starting at 0000. For example, if the name prefix is "batch" and 3 batches are created, the names will be "batch0000", "batch0001", and "batch0002". This method will throw an error if a batch with the same name already exists. Args: name_prefix: a prefix for the batch names, must be unique within a project dataset_id: the id of the dataset to create batches from priority: An optional priority for the Data Rows in the Batch. 1 highest -> 5 lowest consensus_settings: An optional dictionary with consensus settings: {'number_of_labels': 3, 'coverage_percentage': 0.1} Returns: a task for the created batches """ if self.queue_mode != QueueMode.Batch: raise ValueError("Project must be in batch mode") if consensus_settings: consensus_settings = ConsensusSettings(**consensus_settings).dict( by_alias=True) print("Creating batches from dataset %s", dataset_id) method = 'createBatchesFromDataset' mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: CreateBatchesFromDatasetInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { tasks { batchUuid taskId } } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "batchNamePrefix": name_prefix, "datasetId": dataset_id, "priority": priority, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } tasks = self.client.execute( mutation_str, params, experimental=True)["project"][method]["tasks"] batch_ids = [task["batchUuid"] for task in tasks] task_ids = [task["taskId"] for task in tasks] return CreateBatchesTask(self.client, self.uid, batch_ids, task_ids)
def _create_batch_sync(self, name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings): method = 'createBatchV2' query_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $batchInput: CreateBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $batchInput) { batch { %s } failedDataRowIds } } } """ % (method, method, query.results_query_part(Entity.Batch)) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "batchInput": { "name": name, "dataRowIds": dr_ids, "globalKeys": global_keys, "priority": priority, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } res = self.client.execute(query_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] batch = res['batch'] batch['size'] = res['batch']['size'] return Entity.Batch(self.client, self.uid, batch, failed_data_row_ids=res['failedDataRowIds']) def _create_batch_async(self, name: str, dr_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None): method = 'createEmptyBatch' create_empty_batch_mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: CreateEmptyBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { id } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "name": name, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } res = self.client.execute(create_empty_batch_mutation_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] batch_id = res['id'] method = 'addDataRowsToBatchAsync' add_data_rows_mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: AddDataRowsToBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { taskId } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "batchId": batch_id, "dataRowIds": dr_ids, "globalKeys": global_keys, "priority": priority, } } res = self.client.execute(add_data_rows_mutation_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] task_id = res['taskId'] task = self._wait_for_task(task_id) if task.status != "COMPLETE": raise LabelboxError(f"Batch was not created successfully: " + json.dumps(task.errors)) return self.client.get_batch(self.uid, batch_id) def _update_queue_mode(self, mode: "QueueMode") -> "QueueMode": """ Updates the queueing mode of this project. Deprecation notice: This method is deprecated. Going forward, projects must go through a migration to have the queue mode changed. Users should specify the queue mode for a project during creation if a non-default mode is desired. For more information, visit Args: mode: the specified queue mode Returns: the updated queueing mode of this project """ logger.warning( "Updating the queue_mode for a project will soon no longer be supported." ) if self.queue_mode == mode: return mode if mode == QueueMode.Batch: status = "ENABLED" elif mode == QueueMode.Dataset: status = "DISABLED" else: raise ValueError( "Must provide either `BATCH` or `DATASET` as a mode") query_str = """mutation %s($projectId: ID!, $status: TagSetStatusInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { setTagSetStatus(input: {tagSetStatus: $status}) { tagSetStatus } } } """ % "setTagSetStatusPyApi" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'projectId': self.uid, 'status': status }) return mode
[docs] def get_queue_mode(self) -> "QueueMode": """ Provides the queue mode used for this project. Deprecation notice: This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To obtain the queue mode of a project, simply refer to the queue_mode attribute of a Project. For more information, visit Returns: the QueueMode for this project """ logger.warning( "Obtaining the queue_mode for a project through this method will soon" " no longer be supported.") query_str = """query %s($projectId: ID!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { tagSetStatus } } """ % "GetTagSetStatusPyApi" status = self.client.execute( query_str, {'projectId': self.uid})["project"]["tagSetStatus"] if status == "ENABLED": return QueueMode.Batch elif status == "DISABLED": return QueueMode.Dataset else: raise ValueError("Status not known")
[docs] def set_labeling_parameter_overrides( self, data: List[LabelingParameterOverrideInput]) -> bool: """ Adds labeling parameter overrides to this project. See information on priority here: >>> project.set_labeling_parameter_overrides([ >>> (data_row_id1, 2), (data_row_id2, 1)]) or >>> project.set_labeling_parameter_overrides([ >>> (data_row_gk1, 2), (data_row_gk2, 1)]) Args: data (iterable): An iterable of tuples. Each tuple must contain either (DataRow, DataRowPriority<int>) or (DataRowIdentifier, priority<int>) for the new override. DataRowIdentifier is an object representing a data row id or a global key. A DataIdentifier object can be a UniqueIds or GlobalKeys class. NOTE - passing whole DatRow is deprecated. Please use a DataRowIdentifier instead. Priority: * Data will be labeled in priority order. - A lower number priority is labeled first. - All signed 32-bit integers are accepted, from -2147483648 to 2147483647. * Priority is not the queue position. - The position is determined by the relative priority. - E.g. [(data_row_1, 5,1), (data_row_2, 2,1), (data_row_3, 10,1)] will be assigned in the following order: [data_row_2, data_row_1, data_row_3] * The priority only effects items in the queue. - Assigning a priority will not automatically add the item back into the queue. Returns: bool, indicates if the operation was a success. """ data = [t[:2] for t in data] validate_labeling_parameter_overrides(data) template = Template( """mutation SetLabelingParameterOverridesPyApi($$projectId: ID!) {project(where: { id: $$projectId }) {setLabelingParameterOverrides (dataWithDataRowIdentifiers: [$dataWithDataRowIdentifiers]) {success}}} """) data_rows_with_identifiers = "" for data_row, priority in data: if isinstance(data_row, DataRow): data_rows_with_identifiers += f"{{dataRowIdentifier: {{id: \"{data_row.uid}\", idType: {IdType.DataRowId}}}, priority: {priority}}}," elif isinstance(data_row, UniqueId) or isinstance( data_row, GlobalKey): data_rows_with_identifiers += f"{{dataRowIdentifier: {{id: \"{data_row.key}\", idType: {data_row.id_type}}}, priority: {priority}}}," else: raise TypeError( f"Data row identifier should be be of type DataRow or Data Row Identifier. Found {type(data_row)}." ) query_str = template.substitute( dataWithDataRowIdentifiers=data_rows_with_identifiers) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {"projectId": self.uid}) return res["project"]["setLabelingParameterOverrides"]["success"]
@overload def update_data_row_labeling_priority( self, data_rows: DataRowIdentifiers, priority: int, ) -> bool: pass @overload def update_data_row_labeling_priority( self, data_rows: List[str], priority: int, ) -> bool: pass
[docs] def update_data_row_labeling_priority( self, data_rows, priority: int, ) -> bool: """ Updates labeling parameter overrides to this project in bulk. This method allows up to 1 million data rows to be updated at once. See information on priority here: Args: data_rows: a list of data row ids to update priorities for. This can be a list of strings or a DataRowIdentifiers object DataRowIdentifier objects are lists of ids or global keys. A DataIdentifier object can be a UniqueIds or GlobalKeys class. priority (int): Priority for the new override. See above for more information. Returns: bool, indicates if the operation was a success. """ if isinstance(data_rows, list): data_rows = UniqueIds(data_rows) warnings.warn("Using data row ids will be deprecated. Please use " "UniqueIds or GlobalKeys instead.") method = "createQueuePriorityUpdateTask" priority_param = "priority" project_param = "projectId" data_rows_param = "dataRowIdentifiers" query_str = """mutation %sPyApi( $%s: Int! $%s: ID! $%s: QueuePriorityUpdateDataRowIdentifiersInput ) { project(where: { id: $%s }) { %s( data: { priority: $%s, dataRowIdentifiers: $%s } ) { taskId } } } """ % (method, priority_param, project_param, data_rows_param, project_param, method, priority_param, data_rows_param) res = self.client.execute( query_str, { priority_param: priority, project_param: self.uid, data_rows_param: { "ids": [id for id in data_rows], "idType": data_rows.id_type, }, })["project"][method] task_id = res['taskId'] task = self._wait_for_task(task_id) if task.status != "COMPLETE": raise LabelboxError(f"Priority was not updated successfully: " + json.dumps(task.errors)) return True
[docs] def upsert_review_queue(self, quota_factor) -> None: """ Sets the the proportion of total assets in a project to review. More information can be found here: Args: quota_factor (float): Which part (percentage) of the queue to reinitiate. Between 0 and 1. """ if not 0. <= quota_factor <= 1.: raise ValueError("Quota factor must be in the range of [0,1]") id_param = "projectId" quota_param = "quotaFactor" query_str = """mutation UpsertReviewQueuePyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Float!){ upsertReviewQueue(where:{project: {id: $%s}} data:{quotaFactor: $%s}) {id}}""" % ( id_param, quota_param, id_param, quota_param) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, quota_param: quota_factor })
[docs] def extend_reservations(self, queue_type) -> int: """ Extends all the current reservations for the current user on the given queue type. Args: queue_type (str): Either "LabelingQueue" or "ReviewQueue" Returns: int, the number of reservations that were extended. """ if queue_type not in ("LabelingQueue", "ReviewQueue"): raise InvalidQueryError("Unsupported queue type: %s" % queue_type) id_param = "projectId" query_str = """mutation ExtendReservationsPyApi($%s: ID!){ extendReservations(projectId:$%s queueType:%s)}""" % ( id_param, id_param, queue_type) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["extendReservations"]
[docs] def enable_model_assisted_labeling(self, toggle: bool = True) -> bool: """ Turns model assisted labeling either on or off based on input Args: toggle (bool): True or False boolean Returns: True if toggled on or False if toggled off """ project_param = "project_id" show_param = "show" query_str = """mutation toggle_model_assisted_labelingPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Boolean!) { project(where: {id: $%s }) { showPredictionsToLabelers(show: $%s) { id, showingPredictionsToLabelers } } }""" % (project_param, show_param, project_param, show_param) params = {project_param: self.uid, show_param: toggle} res = self.client.execute(query_str, params) return res["project"]["showPredictionsToLabelers"][ "showingPredictionsToLabelers"]
[docs] def bulk_import_requests(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Returns bulk import request objects which are used in model-assisted labeling. These are returned with the oldest first, and most recent last. """ id_param = "project_id" query_str = """query ListAllImportRequestsPyApi($%s: ID!) { bulkImportRequests ( where: { projectId: $%s } skip: %%d first: %%d ) { %s } }""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.BulkImportRequest)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: str(self.uid)}, ["bulkImportRequests"], Entity.BulkImportRequest)
[docs] def batches(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Fetch all batches that belong to this project Returns: A `PaginatedCollection` of `Batch`es """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query GetProjectBatchesPyApi($from: String, $first: PageSize, $%s: ID!) { project(where: {id: $%s}) {id batches(after: $from, first: $first) { nodes { %s } pageInfo { endCursor }}}} """ % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.Batch)) return PaginatedCollection( self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ['project', 'batches', 'nodes'], lambda client, res: Entity.Batch(client, self.uid, res), cursor_path=['project', 'batches', 'pageInfo', 'endCursor'], experimental=True)
[docs] def task_queues(self) -> List[TaskQueue]: """ Fetch all task queues that belong to this project Returns: A `List` of `TaskQueue`s """ query_str = """query GetProjectTaskQueuesPyApi($projectId: ID!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { taskQueues { %s } } } """ % (query.results_query_part(Entity.TaskQueue)) task_queue_values = self.client.execute( query_str, {"projectId": self.uid}, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"]["taskQueues"] return [ Entity.TaskQueue(self.client, field_values) for field_values in task_queue_values ]
@overload def move_data_rows_to_task_queue(self, data_row_ids: DataRowIdentifiers, task_queue_id: str): pass @overload def move_data_rows_to_task_queue(self, data_row_ids: List[str], task_queue_id: str): pass
[docs] def move_data_rows_to_task_queue(self, data_row_ids, task_queue_id: str): """ Moves data rows to the specified task queue. Args: data_row_ids: a list of data row ids to be moved. This can be a list of strings or a DataRowIdentifiers object DataRowIdentifier objects are lists of ids or global keys. A DataIdentifier object can be a UniqueIds or GlobalKeys class. task_queue_id: the task queue id to be moved to, or None to specify the "Done" queue Returns: None if successful, or a raised error on failure """ if isinstance(data_row_ids, list): data_row_ids = UniqueIds(data_row_ids) warnings.warn("Using data row ids will be deprecated. Please use " "UniqueIds or GlobalKeys instead.") method = "createBulkAddRowsToQueueTask" query_str = """mutation AddDataRowsToTaskQueueAsyncPyApi( $projectId: ID! $queueId: ID $dataRowIdentifiers: AddRowsToTaskQueueViaDataRowIdentifiersInput! ) { project(where: { id: $projectId }) { %s( data: { queueId: $queueId, dataRowIdentifiers: $dataRowIdentifiers } ) { taskId } } } """ % method task_id = self.client.execute( query_str, { "projectId": self.uid, "queueId": task_queue_id, "dataRowIdentifiers": { "ids": [id for id in data_row_ids], "idType": data_row_ids.id_type, }, }, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method]["taskId"] task = self._wait_for_task(task_id) if task.status != "COMPLETE": raise LabelboxError(f"Data rows were not moved successfully: " + json.dumps(task.errors))
def _wait_for_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task: task = Task.get_task(self.client, task_id) task.wait_till_done() return task
[docs] def upload_annotations( self, name: str, annotations: Union[str, Path, Iterable[Dict]], validate: bool = False) -> 'BulkImportRequest': # type: ignore """ Uploads annotations to a new Editor project. Args: name (str): name of the BulkImportRequest job annotations (str or Path or Iterable): url that is publicly accessible by Labelbox containing an ndjson file OR local path to an ndjson file OR iterable of annotation rows validate (bool): Whether or not to validate the payload before uploading. Returns: BulkImportRequest """ if isinstance(annotations, str) or isinstance(annotations, Path): def _is_url_valid(url: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Verifies that the given string is a valid url. Args: url: string to be checked Returns: True if the given url is valid otherwise False """ if isinstance(url, Path): return False parsed = urlparse(url) return bool(parsed.scheme) and bool(parsed.netloc) if _is_url_valid(annotations): return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_url( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, url=str(annotations), validate=validate) else: path = Path(annotations) if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{annotations} is not a valid url nor existing local file' ) return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_local_file( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, file=path, validate_file=validate, ) elif isinstance(annotations, Iterable): return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_objects( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, predictions=annotations, # type: ignore validate=validate) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid annotations given of type: {type(annotations)}')
def _wait_until_data_rows_are_processed( self, data_row_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, wait_processing_max_seconds: int = _wait_processing_max_seconds, sleep_interval=30): """ Wait until all the specified data rows are processed""" start_time = max_data_rows_per_poll = 100_000 if data_row_ids is not None: for i in range(0, len(data_row_ids), max_data_rows_per_poll): chunk = data_row_ids[i:i + max_data_rows_per_poll] self._poll_data_row_processing_status( chunk, [], start_time, wait_processing_max_seconds, sleep_interval) if global_keys is not None: for i in range(0, len(global_keys), max_data_rows_per_poll): chunk = global_keys[i:i + max_data_rows_per_poll] self._poll_data_row_processing_status( [], chunk, start_time, wait_processing_max_seconds, sleep_interval) def _poll_data_row_processing_status( self, data_row_ids: List[str], global_keys: List[str], start_time: datetime, wait_processing_max_seconds: int = _wait_processing_max_seconds, sleep_interval=30): while True: if ( - start_time).total_seconds() >= wait_processing_max_seconds: raise ProcessingWaitTimeout( """Maximum wait time exceeded while waiting for data rows to be processed. Try creating a batch a bit later""") all_good = self.__check_data_rows_have_been_processed( data_row_ids, global_keys) if all_good: return logger.debug( 'Some of the data rows are still being processed, waiting...') time.sleep(sleep_interval) def __check_data_rows_have_been_processed( self, data_row_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None): if data_row_ids is not None and len(data_row_ids) > 0: param_name = "dataRowIds" params = {param_name: data_row_ids} else: param_name = "globalKeys" global_keys = global_keys if global_keys is not None else [] params = {param_name: global_keys} query_str = """query CheckAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessedPyApi($%s: [ID!]) { queryAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed(%s:$%s) { allDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed } }""" % (param_name, param_name, param_name) response = self.client.execute(query_str, params) return response["queryAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed"][ "allDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed"]
[docs]class ProjectMember(DbObject): user = Relationship.ToOne("User", cache=True) role = Relationship.ToOne("Role", cache=True) access_from = Field.String("access_from")
[docs]class LabelingParameterOverride(DbObject): """ Customizes the order of assets in the label queue. Attributes: priority (int): A prioritization score. number_of_labels (int): Number of times an asset should be labeled. """ priority = Field.Int("priority") number_of_labels = Field.Int("number_of_labels") data_row = Relationship.ToOne("DataRow", cache=True)
LabelerPerformance = namedtuple( "LabelerPerformance", "user count seconds_per_label, total_time_labeling " "consensus average_benchmark_agreement last_activity_time") LabelerPerformance.__doc__ = ( "Named tuple containing info about a labeler's performance.") def _check_converter_import(): if 'LBV1Converter' not in globals(): raise ImportError( "Missing dependencies to import converter. " "Use `pip install labelbox[data] --upgrade` to add missing dependencies. " "or download raw json with project.export_labels()")