Source code for labelbox.schema.project

import json
import logging
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse

from labelbox import parser
import requests

from labelbox import utils
from labelbox.exceptions import (InvalidQueryError, LabelboxError,
                                 ProcessingWaitTimeout, ResourceConflict,
from labelbox.orm import query
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject, Deletable, Updateable
from labelbox.orm.model import Entity, Field, Relationship
from labelbox.pagination import PaginatedCollection
from labelbox.schema.consensus_settings import ConsensusSettings
from labelbox.schema.data_row import DataRow
from labelbox.schema.export_filters import ProjectExportFilters, validate_datetime, build_filters
from labelbox.schema.export_params import ProjectExportParams
from labelbox.schema.media_type import MediaType
from labelbox.schema.queue_mode import QueueMode
from labelbox.schema.resource_tag import ResourceTag
from labelbox.schema.task import Task
from labelbox.schema.user import User
from labelbox.schema.task_queue import TaskQueue

    from labelbox import BulkImportRequest

    datetime.fromisoformat  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
except AttributeError:
    from backports.datetime_fromisoformat import MonkeyPatch


    from import LBV1Converter
except ImportError:

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Project(DbObject, Updateable, Deletable): """ A Project is a container that includes a labeling frontend, an ontology, datasets and labels. Attributes: name (str) description (str) updated_at (datetime) created_at (datetime) setup_complete (datetime) last_activity_time (datetime) queue_mode (string) auto_audit_number_of_labels (int) auto_audit_percentage (float) datasets (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Dataset created_by (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to User organization (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Organization labeling_frontend (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to LabelingFrontend labeling_frontend_options (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to LabelingFrontendOptions labeling_parameter_overrides (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to LabelingParameterOverride webhooks (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Webhook benchmarks (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to Benchmark ontology (Relationship): `ToOne` relationship to Ontology task_queues (Relationship): `ToMany` relationship to TaskQueue """ name = Field.String("name") description = Field.String("description") updated_at = Field.DateTime("updated_at") created_at = Field.DateTime("created_at") setup_complete = Field.DateTime("setup_complete") last_activity_time = Field.DateTime("last_activity_time") queue_mode = Field.Enum(QueueMode, "queue_mode") auto_audit_number_of_labels = Field.Int("auto_audit_number_of_labels") auto_audit_percentage = Field.Float("auto_audit_percentage") # Bind data_type and allowedMediaTYpe using the GraphQL type MediaType media_type = Field.Enum(MediaType, "media_type", "allowedMediaType") # Relationships datasets = Relationship.ToMany( "Dataset", True, deprecation_warning= "This method does not return any data for batch-based projects and it will be deprecated on or around November 1, 2023." ) created_by = Relationship.ToOne("User", False, "created_by") organization = Relationship.ToOne("Organization", False) labeling_frontend = Relationship.ToOne("LabelingFrontend") labeling_frontend_options = Relationship.ToMany( "LabelingFrontendOptions", False, "labeling_frontend_options") labeling_parameter_overrides = Relationship.ToMany( "LabelingParameterOverride", False, "labeling_parameter_overrides") webhooks = Relationship.ToMany("Webhook", False) benchmarks = Relationship.ToMany("Benchmark", False) ontology = Relationship.ToOne("Ontology", True) # _wait_processing_max_seconds = 3600
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """ Updates this project with the specified attributes Args: kwargs: a dictionary containing attributes to be upserted Note that the queue_mode cannot be changed after a project has been created. Additionally, the quality setting cannot be changed after a project has been created. The quality mode for a project is inferred through the following attributes: Benchmark: auto_audit_number_of_labels = 1 auto_audit_percentage = 1.0 Consensus: auto_audit_number_of_labels > 1 auto_audit_percentage <= 1.0 Attempting to switch between benchmark and consensus modes is an invalid operation and will result in an error. """ media_type = kwargs.get("media_type") if media_type: if MediaType.is_supported(media_type): kwargs["media_type"] = media_type.value else: raise TypeError(f"{media_type} is not a valid media type. Use" f" any of {MediaType.get_supported_members()}" " from MediaType. Example: MediaType.Image.") return super().update(**kwargs)
[docs] def members(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Fetch all current members for this project Returns: A `PaginatedCollection` of `ProjectMember`s """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query ProjectMemberOverviewPyApi($%s: ID!) { project(where: {id : $%s}) { id members(skip: %%d first: %%d){ id user { %s } role { id name } accessFrom } } }""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.User)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: str(self.uid)}, ["project", "members"], ProjectMember)
[docs] def update_project_resource_tags( self, resource_tag_ids: List[str]) -> List[ResourceTag]: """ Creates project resource tags Args: resource_tag_ids Returns: a list of ResourceTag ids that was created. """ project_id_param = "projectId" tag_ids_param = "resourceTagIds" query_str = """mutation UpdateProjectResourceTagsPyApi($%s:ID!,$%s:[String!]) { project(where:{id:$%s}){updateProjectResourceTags(input:{%s:$%s}){%s}}}""" % ( project_id_param, tag_ids_param, project_id_param, tag_ids_param, tag_ids_param, query.results_query_part(ResourceTag)) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { project_id_param: self.uid, tag_ids_param: resource_tag_ids }) return [ ResourceTag(self.client, tag) for tag in res["project"]["updateProjectResourceTags"] ]
[docs] def labels(self, datasets=None, order_by=None) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Custom relationship expansion method to support limited filtering. Args: datasets (iterable of Dataset): Optional collection of Datasets whose Labels are sought. If not provided, all Labels in this Project are returned. order_by (None or (Field, Field.Order)): Ordering clause. """ Label = Entity.Label if datasets is not None: where = " where:{dataRow: {dataset: {id_in: [%s]}}}" % ", ".join( '"%s"' % dataset.uid for dataset in datasets) else: where = "" if order_by is not None: query.check_order_by_clause(Label, order_by) order_by_str = "orderBy: %s_%s" % (order_by[0].graphql_name, order_by[1].name.upper()) else: order_by_str = "" id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query GetProjectLabelsPyApi($%s: ID!) {project (where: {id: $%s}) {labels (skip: %%d first: %%d %s %s) {%s}}}""" % ( id_param, id_param, where, order_by_str, query.results_query_part(Label)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ["project", "labels"], Label)
[docs] def export_queued_data_rows( self, timeout_seconds=120, include_metadata: bool = False) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Returns all data rows that are currently enqueued for this project. Args: timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. include_metadata (bool): True to return related DataRow metadata Returns: Data row fields for all data rows in the queue as json Raises: LabelboxError: if the export fails or is unable to download within the specified time. """ id_param = "projectId" metadata_param = "includeMetadataInput" query_str = """mutation GetQueuedDataRowsExportUrlPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Boolean!) {exportQueuedDataRows(data:{projectId: $%s , includeMetadataInput: $%s}) {downloadUrl createdAt status} } """ % (id_param, metadata_param, id_param, metadata_param) sleep_time = 2 start_time = time.time() while True: res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, metadata_param: include_metadata }) res = res["exportQueuedDataRows"] if res["status"] == "COMPLETE": download_url = res["downloadUrl"] response = requests.get(download_url) response.raise_for_status() return parser.loads(response.text) elif res["status"] == "FAILED": raise LabelboxError("Data row export failed.") current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time > timeout_seconds: raise LabelboxError( f"Unable to export data rows within {timeout_seconds} seconds." ) logger.debug( "Project '%s' queued data row export, waiting for server...", self.uid) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] def label_generator(self, timeout_seconds=600, **kwargs): """ Download text and image annotations, or video annotations. For a mixture of text/image and video, use project.export_labels() Returns: LabelGenerator for accessing labels """ _check_converter_import() json_data = self.export_labels(download=True, timeout_seconds=timeout_seconds, **kwargs) # assert that the instance this would fail is only if timeout runs out assert isinstance( json_data, List), "Unable to successfully get labels. Please try again" if json_data is None: raise TimeoutError( f"Unable to download labels in {timeout_seconds} seconds." "Please try again or contact support if the issue persists.") is_video = [ "frames" in row["Label"] for row in json_data if row["Label"] and not row["Skipped"] ] if len(is_video) and not all(is_video) and any(is_video): raise ValueError( "Found mixed data types of video and text/image. " "Use project.export_labels() to export projects with mixed data types. " ) if len(is_video) and all(is_video): # Filter skipped labels to avoid inference errors json_data = [ label for label in self.export_labels(download=True) if not label["Skipped"] ] return LBV1Converter.deserialize_video(json_data, self.client) return LBV1Converter.deserialize(json_data)
[docs] def export_labels(self, download=False, timeout_seconds=1800, **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[str, List[Dict[Any, Any]]]]: """ Calls the server-side Label exporting that generates a JSON payload, and returns the URL to that payload. Will only generate a new URL at a max frequency of 30 min. Args: download (bool): Returns the url if False timeout_seconds (float): Max waiting time, in seconds. start (str): Earliest date for labels, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" end (str): Latest date for labels, formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" last_activity_start (str): Will include all labels that have had any updates to data rows, issues, comments, metadata, or reviews since this timestamp. formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" last_activity_end (str): Will include all labels that do not have any updates to data rows, issues, comments, metadata, or reviews after this timestamp. formatted "YYYY-MM-DD" or "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" Returns: URL of the data file with this Project's labels. If the server didn't generate during the `timeout_seconds` period, None is returned. """ def _string_from_dict(dictionary: dict, value_with_quotes=False) -> str: """Returns a concatenated string of the dictionary's keys and values The string will be formatted as {key}: 'value' for each key. Value will be inclusive of quotations while key will not. This can be toggled with `value_with_quotes`""" quote = "\"" if value_with_quotes else "" return ",".join([ f"""{c}: {quote}{dictionary.get(c)}{quote}""" for c in dictionary if dictionary.get(c) ]) sleep_time = 2 id_param = "projectId" filter_param = "" filter_param_dict = {} if "start" in kwargs or "end" in kwargs: created_at_dict = { "start": kwargs.get("start", ""), "end": kwargs.get("end", "") } [validate_datetime(date) for date in created_at_dict.values()] filter_param_dict["labelCreatedAt"] = "{%s}" % _string_from_dict( created_at_dict, value_with_quotes=True) if "last_activity_start" in kwargs or "last_activity_end" in kwargs: last_activity_start = kwargs.get('last_activity_start') last_activity_end = kwargs.get('last_activity_end') if last_activity_start: validate_datetime(str(last_activity_start)) if last_activity_end: validate_datetime(str(last_activity_end)) filter_param_dict["lastActivityAt"] = "{%s}" % _string_from_dict( { "start": last_activity_start, "end": last_activity_end }, value_with_quotes=True) if filter_param_dict: filter_param = """, filters: {%s }""" % (_string_from_dict( filter_param_dict, value_with_quotes=False)) query_str = """mutation GetLabelExportUrlPyApi($%s: ID!) {exportLabels(data:{projectId: $%s%s}) {downloadUrl createdAt shouldPoll} } """ % (id_param, id_param, filter_param) start_time = time.time() while True: res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) res = res["exportLabels"] if not res["shouldPoll"] and res["downloadUrl"] is not None: url = res['downloadUrl'] if not download: return url else: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time > timeout_seconds: return None logger.debug("Project '%s' label export, waiting for server...", self.uid) time.sleep(sleep_time)
[docs] def export_v2(self, task_name: Optional[str] = None, filters: Optional[ProjectExportFilters] = None, params: Optional[ProjectExportParams] = None) -> Task: """ Creates a project export task with the given params and returns the task. For more information visit: >>> task = project.export_v2( >>> filters={ >>> "last_activity_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "label_created_at": ["2000-01-01 00:00:00", "2050-01-01 00:00:00"], >>> "data_row_ids": [DATA_ROW_ID_1, DATA_ROW_ID_2, ...] # or global_keys: [DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_1, DATA_ROW_GLOBAL_KEY_2, ...] >>> "batch_ids": [BATCH_ID_1, BATCH_ID_2, ...] >>> }, >>> params={ >>> "performance_details": False, >>> "label_details": True >>> }) >>> task.wait_till_done() >>> task.result """ _params = params or ProjectExportParams({ "attachments": False, "metadata_fields": False, "data_row_details": False, "project_details": False, "performance_details": False, "label_details": False, "media_type_override": None, "interpolated_frames": False, }) _filters = filters or ProjectExportFilters({ "last_activity_at": None, "label_created_at": None, "data_row_ids": None, "global_keys": None, "batch_ids": None, "workflow_status": None }) mutation_name = "exportDataRowsInProject" create_task_query_str = """mutation exportDataRowsInProjectPyApi($input: ExportDataRowsInProjectInput!){ %s(input: $input) {taskId} } """ % (mutation_name) media_type_override = _params.get('media_type_override', None) query_params: Dict[str, Any] = { "input": { "taskName": task_name, "filters": { "projectId": self.uid, "searchQuery": { "scope": None, "query": [], } }, "params": { "mediaTypeOverride": media_type_override.value if media_type_override is not None else None, "includeAttachments": _params.get('attachments', False), "includeMetadata": _params.get('metadata_fields', False), "includeDataRowDetails": _params.get('data_row_details', False), "includeProjectDetails": _params.get('project_details', False), "includePerformanceDetails": _params.get('performance_details', False), "includeLabelDetails": _params.get('label_details', False), "includeInterpolatedFrames": _params.get('interpolated_frames', False), }, } } search_query = build_filters(self.client, _filters) query_params["input"]["filters"]["searchQuery"]["query"] = search_query res = self.client.execute(create_task_query_str, query_params, error_log_key="errors") res = res[mutation_name] task_id = res["taskId"] user: User = self.client.get_user() tasks: List[Task] = list( user.created_tasks(where=Entity.Task.uid == task_id)) # Cache user in a private variable as the relationship can't be # resolved due to server-side limitations (see Task.created_by) # for more info. if len(tasks) != 1: raise ResourceNotFoundError(Entity.Task, task_id) task: Task = tasks[0] task._user = user return task
[docs] def export_issues(self, status=None) -> str: """ Calls the server-side Issues exporting that returns the URL to that payload. Args: status (string): valid values: Open, Resolved Returns: URL of the data file with this Project's issues. """ id_param = "projectId" status_param = "status" query_str = """query GetProjectIssuesExportPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: IssueStatus) { project(where: { id: $%s }) { issueExportUrl(where: { status: $%s }) } }""" % (id_param, status_param, id_param, status_param) valid_statuses = {None, "Open", "Resolved"} if status not in valid_statuses: raise ValueError("status must be in {}. Found {}".format( valid_statuses, status)) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, status_param: status }) res = res['project'] logger.debug("Project '%s' issues export, link generated", self.uid) return res.get('issueExportUrl')
[docs] def upsert_instructions(self, instructions_file: str) -> None: """ * Uploads instructions to the UI. Running more than once will replace the instructions Args: instructions_file (str): Path to a local file. * Must be a pdf or html file Raises: ValueError: * project must be setup * instructions file must have a ".pdf" or ".html" extension """ if self.setup_complete is None: raise ValueError( "Cannot attach instructions to a project that has not been set up." ) frontend = self.labeling_frontend() if != "Editor": logger.warning( f"This function has only been tested to work with the Editor front end. Found %s", supported_instruction_formats = (".pdf", ".html") if not instructions_file.endswith(supported_instruction_formats): raise ValueError( f"instructions_file must be a pdf or html file. Found {instructions_file}" ) instructions_url = self.client.upload_file(instructions_file) query_str = """mutation setprojectinsructionsPyApi($projectId: ID!, $instructions_url: String!) { setProjectInstructions( where: {id: $projectId}, data: {instructionsUrl: $instructions_url} ) { id ontology { id options } } }""" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'projectId': self.uid, 'instructions_url': instructions_url })
[docs] def labeler_performance(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Returns the labeler performances for this Project. Returns: A PaginatedCollection of LabelerPerformance objects. """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query LabelerPerformancePyApi($%s: ID!) { project(where: {id: $%s}) { labelerPerformance(skip: %%d first: %%d) { count user {%s} secondsPerLabel totalTimeLabeling consensus averageBenchmarkAgreement lastActivityTime} }}""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.User)) def create_labeler_performance(client, result): result["user"] = Entity.User(client, result["user"]) # python isoformat doesn't accept Z as utc timezone result["lastActivityTime"] = datetime.fromisoformat( result["lastActivityTime"].replace('Z', '+00:00')) return LabelerPerformance(**{ utils.snake_case(key): value for key, value in result.items() }) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ["project", "labelerPerformance"], create_labeler_performance)
[docs] def review_metrics(self, net_score) -> int: """ Returns this Project's review metrics. Args: net_score (None or Review.NetScore): Indicates desired metric. Returns: int, aggregation count of reviews for given `net_score`. """ if net_score not in (None,) + tuple(Entity.Review.NetScore): raise InvalidQueryError( "Review metrics net score must be either None " "or one of Review.NetScore values") id_param = "projectId" net_score_literal = "None" if net_score is None else query_str = """query ProjectReviewMetricsPyApi($%s: ID!){ project(where: {id:$%s}) {reviewMetrics {labelAggregate(netScore: %s) {count}}} }""" % (id_param, id_param, net_score_literal) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["project"]["reviewMetrics"]["labelAggregate"]["count"]
[docs] def setup_editor(self, ontology) -> None: """ Sets up the project using the Pictor editor. Args: ontology (Ontology): The ontology to attach to the project """ if self.labeling_frontend() is not None: raise ResourceConflict("Editor is already set up.") labeling_frontend = next( self.client.get_labeling_frontends( == "Editor")) self.labeling_frontend.connect(labeling_frontend) LFO = Entity.LabelingFrontendOptions self.client._create( LFO, { LFO.project: self, LFO.labeling_frontend: labeling_frontend, LFO.customization_options: json.dumps({ "tools": [], "classifications": [] }) }) query_str = """mutation ConnectOntologyPyApi($projectId: ID!, $ontologyId: ID!){ project(where: {id: $projectId}) {connectOntology(ontologyId: $ontologyId) {id}}}""" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'ontologyId': ontology.uid, 'projectId': self.uid }) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.update(setup_complete=timestamp)
[docs] def setup(self, labeling_frontend, labeling_frontend_options) -> None: """ Finalizes the Project setup. Args: labeling_frontend (LabelingFrontend): Which UI to use to label the data. labeling_frontend_options (dict or str): Labeling frontend options, a.k.a. project ontology. If given a `dict` it will be converted to `str` using `json.dumps`. """ if self.labeling_frontend() is not None: raise ResourceConflict("Editor is already set up.") if not isinstance(labeling_frontend_options, str): labeling_frontend_options = json.dumps(labeling_frontend_options) self.labeling_frontend.connect(labeling_frontend) LFO = Entity.LabelingFrontendOptions self.client._create( LFO, { LFO.project: self, LFO.labeling_frontend: labeling_frontend, LFO.customization_options: labeling_frontend_options }) timestamp ="%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") self.update(setup_complete=timestamp)
[docs] def create_batch( self, name: str, data_rows: Optional[List[Union[str, DataRow]]] = None, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """Create a new batch for a project. One of `global_keys` or `data_rows` must be provided but not both. Args: name: a name for the batch, must be unique within a project data_rows: Either a list of `DataRows` or Data Row ids. global_keys: global keys for data rows to add to the batch. priority: An optional priority for the Data Rows in the Batch. 1 highest -> 5 lowest consensus_settings: An optional dictionary with consensus settings: {'number_of_labels': 3, 'coverage_percentage': 0.1} """ # @TODO: make this automatic? if self.queue_mode != QueueMode.Batch: raise ValueError("Project must be in batch mode") dr_ids = [] if data_rows is not None: for dr in data_rows: if isinstance(dr, Entity.DataRow): dr_ids.append(dr.uid) elif isinstance(dr, str): dr_ids.append(dr) else: raise ValueError( "`data_rows` must be DataRow ids or DataRow objects") if data_rows is not None: row_count = len(dr_ids) elif global_keys is not None: row_count = len(global_keys) else: row_count = 0 if row_count > 100_000: raise ValueError( f"Batch exceeds max size, break into smaller batches") if not row_count: raise ValueError("You need at least one data row in a batch") self._wait_until_data_rows_are_processed( dr_ids, global_keys, self._wait_processing_max_seconds) if consensus_settings: consensus_settings = ConsensusSettings(**consensus_settings).dict( by_alias=True) if row_count >= 1_000: return self._create_batch_async(name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings) else: return self._create_batch_sync(name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings)
def _create_batch_sync(self, name, dr_ids, global_keys, priority, consensus_settings): method = 'createBatchV2' query_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $batchInput: CreateBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $batchInput) { batch { %s } failedDataRowIds } } } """ % (method, method, query.results_query_part(Entity.Batch)) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "batchInput": { "name": name, "dataRowIds": dr_ids, "globalKeys": global_keys, "priority": priority, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } res = self.client.execute(query_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] batch = res['batch'] batch['size'] = res['batch']['size'] return Entity.Batch(self.client, self.uid, batch, failed_data_row_ids=res['failedDataRowIds']) def _create_batch_async(self, name: str, dr_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, priority: int = 5, consensus_settings: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None): method = 'createEmptyBatch' create_empty_batch_mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: CreateEmptyBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { id } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "name": name, "consensusSettings": consensus_settings } } res = self.client.execute(create_empty_batch_mutation_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] batch_id = res['id'] method = 'addDataRowsToBatchAsync' add_data_rows_mutation_str = """mutation %sPyApi($projectId: ID!, $input: AddDataRowsToBatchInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { %s(input: $input) { taskId } } } """ % (method, method) params = { "projectId": self.uid, "input": { "batchId": batch_id, "dataRowIds": dr_ids, "globalKeys": global_keys, "priority": priority, } } res = self.client.execute(add_data_rows_mutation_str, params, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method] task_id = res['taskId'] task = self._wait_for_task(task_id) if task.status != "COMPLETE": raise LabelboxError(f"Batch was not created successfully: " + json.dumps(task.errors)) # obtain batch entity to return get_batch_str = """query %s($projectId: ID!, $batchId: ID!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { batches(where: {id: $batchId}) { nodes { %s } } } } """ % ("getProjectBatchPyApi", query.results_query_part(Entity.Batch)) batch = self.client.execute( get_batch_str, { "projectId": self.uid, "batchId": batch_id }, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"]["batches"]["nodes"][0] # TODO async endpoints currently do not provide failed_data_row_ids in response return Entity.Batch(self.client, self.uid, batch) def _update_queue_mode(self, mode: "QueueMode") -> "QueueMode": """ Updates the queueing mode of this project. Deprecation notice: This method is deprecated. Going forward, projects must go through a migration to have the queue mode changed. Users should specify the queue mode for a project during creation if a non-default mode is desired. For more information, visit Args: mode: the specified queue mode Returns: the updated queueing mode of this project """ logger.warning( "Updating the queue_mode for a project will soon no longer be supported." ) if self.queue_mode == mode: return mode if mode == QueueMode.Batch: status = "ENABLED" elif mode == QueueMode.Dataset: status = "DISABLED" else: raise ValueError( "Must provide either `BATCH` or `DATASET` as a mode") query_str = """mutation %s($projectId: ID!, $status: TagSetStatusInput!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { setTagSetStatus(input: {tagSetStatus: $status}) { tagSetStatus } } } """ % "setTagSetStatusPyApi" self.client.execute(query_str, { 'projectId': self.uid, 'status': status }) return mode
[docs] def get_queue_mode(self) -> "QueueMode": """ Provides the queue mode used for this project. Deprecation notice: This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. To obtain the queue mode of a project, simply refer to the queue_mode attribute of a Project. For more information, visit Returns: the QueueMode for this project """ logger.warning( "Obtaining the queue_mode for a project through this method will soon" " no longer be supported.") query_str = """query %s($projectId: ID!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { tagSetStatus } } """ % "GetTagSetStatusPyApi" status = self.client.execute( query_str, {'projectId': self.uid})["project"]["tagSetStatus"] if status == "ENABLED": return QueueMode.Batch elif status == "DISABLED": return QueueMode.Dataset else: raise ValueError("Status not known")
def validate_labeling_parameter_overrides(self, data) -> None: for idx, row in enumerate(data): if len(row) < 2: raise TypeError( f"Data must be a list of tuples containing a DataRow and priority (int). Found {len(row)} items. Index: {idx}" ) data_row = row[0] priority = row[1] if not isinstance(data_row, Entity.DataRow): raise TypeError( f"data_row should be be of type DataRow. Found {type(data_row)}. Index: {idx}" ) if not isinstance(priority, int): raise TypeError( f"Priority must be an int. Found {type(priority)} for data_row {data_row}. Index: {idx}" ) if priority < 1: raise ValueError( f"Priority must be greater than 0 for data_row {data_row}. Index: {idx}" )
[docs] def set_labeling_parameter_overrides(self, data) -> bool: """ Adds labeling parameter overrides to this project. See information on priority here: >>> project.set_labeling_parameter_overrides([ >>> (data_row_1, 2), (data_row_2, 1)]) Args: data (iterable): An iterable of tuples. Each tuple must contain (DataRow, priority<int>, number_of_labels<int>) for the new override. Priority: * Data will be labeled in priority order. - A lower number priority is labeled first. - Minimum priority is 1. * Priority is not the queue position. - The position is determined by the relative priority. - E.g. [(data_row_1, 5,1), (data_row_2, 2,1), (data_row_3, 10,1)] will be assigned in the following order: [data_row_2, data_row_1, data_row_3] * Datarows with parameter overrides will appear before datarows without overrides. * The priority only effects items in the queue. - Assigning a priority will not automatically add the item back into the queue. Returns: bool, indicates if the operation was a success. """ logger.warning( "LabelingParameterOverrides are deprecated for new projects, and will eventually be removed " "completely. Prefer to use batch based queuing with priority & consensus number of labels instead." ) data = [t[:2] for t in data] self.validate_labeling_parameter_overrides(data) data_str = ",\n".join("{dataRow: {id: \"%s\"}, priority: %d }" % (data_row.uid, priority) for data_row, priority in data) id_param = "projectId" query_str = """mutation SetLabelingParameterOverridesPyApi($%s: ID!){ project(where: { id: $%s }) {setLabelingParameterOverrides (data: [%s]) {success}}} """ % (id_param, id_param, data_str) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["project"]["setLabelingParameterOverrides"]["success"]
[docs] def unset_labeling_parameter_overrides(self, data_rows) -> bool: """ Removes labeling parameter overrides to this project. * This will remove unlabeled duplicates in the queue. Args: data_rows (iterable): An iterable of DataRows. Returns: bool, indicates if the operation was a success. """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """mutation UnsetLabelingParameterOverridesPyApi($%s: ID!){ project(where: { id: $%s}) { unsetLabelingParameterOverrides(data: [%s]) { success }}}""" % ( id_param, id_param, ",\n".join( "{dataRowId: \"%s\"}" % row.uid for row in data_rows)) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["project"]["unsetLabelingParameterOverrides"]["success"]
[docs] def upsert_review_queue(self, quota_factor) -> None: """ Sets the the proportion of total assets in a project to review. More information can be found here: Args: quota_factor (float): Which part (percentage) of the queue to reinitiate. Between 0 and 1. """ if not 0. <= quota_factor <= 1.: raise ValueError("Quota factor must be in the range of [0,1]") id_param = "projectId" quota_param = "quotaFactor" query_str = """mutation UpsertReviewQueuePyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Float!){ upsertReviewQueue(where:{project: {id: $%s}} data:{quotaFactor: $%s}) {id}}""" % ( id_param, quota_param, id_param, quota_param) res = self.client.execute(query_str, { id_param: self.uid, quota_param: quota_factor })
[docs] def extend_reservations(self, queue_type) -> int: """ Extends all the current reservations for the current user on the given queue type. Args: queue_type (str): Either "LabelingQueue" or "ReviewQueue" Returns: int, the number of reservations that were extended. """ if queue_type not in ("LabelingQueue", "ReviewQueue"): raise InvalidQueryError("Unsupported queue type: %s" % queue_type) id_param = "projectId" query_str = """mutation ExtendReservationsPyApi($%s: ID!){ extendReservations(projectId:$%s queueType:%s)}""" % ( id_param, id_param, queue_type) res = self.client.execute(query_str, {id_param: self.uid}) return res["extendReservations"]
[docs] def enable_model_assisted_labeling(self, toggle: bool = True) -> bool: """ Turns model assisted labeling either on or off based on input Args: toggle (bool): True or False boolean Returns: True if toggled on or False if toggled off """ project_param = "project_id" show_param = "show" query_str = """mutation toggle_model_assisted_labelingPyApi($%s: ID!, $%s: Boolean!) { project(where: {id: $%s }) { showPredictionsToLabelers(show: $%s) { id, showingPredictionsToLabelers } } }""" % (project_param, show_param, project_param, show_param) params = {project_param: self.uid, show_param: toggle} res = self.client.execute(query_str, params) return res["project"]["showPredictionsToLabelers"][ "showingPredictionsToLabelers"]
[docs] def bulk_import_requests(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Returns bulk import request objects which are used in model-assisted labeling. These are returned with the oldest first, and most recent last. """ id_param = "project_id" query_str = """query ListAllImportRequestsPyApi($%s: ID!) { bulkImportRequests ( where: { projectId: $%s } skip: %%d first: %%d ) { %s } }""" % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.BulkImportRequest)) return PaginatedCollection(self.client, query_str, {id_param: str(self.uid)}, ["bulkImportRequests"], Entity.BulkImportRequest)
[docs] def batches(self) -> PaginatedCollection: """ Fetch all batches that belong to this project Returns: A `PaginatedCollection` of `Batch`es """ id_param = "projectId" query_str = """query GetProjectBatchesPyApi($from: String, $first: PageSize, $%s: ID!) { project(where: {id: $%s}) {id batches(after: $from, first: $first) { nodes { %s } pageInfo { endCursor }}}} """ % (id_param, id_param, query.results_query_part(Entity.Batch)) return PaginatedCollection( self.client, query_str, {id_param: self.uid}, ['project', 'batches', 'nodes'], lambda client, res: Entity.Batch(client, self.uid, res), cursor_path=['project', 'batches', 'pageInfo', 'endCursor'], experimental=True)
[docs] def task_queues(self) -> List[TaskQueue]: """ Fetch all task queues that belong to this project Returns: A `List` of `TaskQueue`s """ query_str = """query GetProjectTaskQueuesPyApi($projectId: ID!) { project(where: {id: $projectId}) { taskQueues { %s } } } """ % (query.results_query_part(Entity.TaskQueue)) task_queue_values = self.client.execute( query_str, {"projectId": self.uid}, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"]["taskQueues"] return [ Entity.TaskQueue(self.client, field_values) for field_values in task_queue_values ]
[docs] def move_data_rows_to_task_queue(self, data_row_ids: List[str], task_queue_id: str): """ Moves data rows to the specified task queue. Args: data_row_ids: a list of data row ids to be moved task_queue_id: the task queue id to be moved to, or None to specify the "Done" queue Returns: None if successful, or a raised error on failure """ method = "createBulkAddRowsToQueueTask" query_str = """mutation AddDataRowsToTaskQueueAsyncPyApi( $projectId: ID! $queueId: ID $dataRowIds: [ID!]! ) { project(where: { id: $projectId }) { %s( data: { queueId: $queueId, dataRowIds: $dataRowIds } ) { taskId } } } """ % method task_id = self.client.execute( query_str, { "projectId": self.uid, "queueId": task_queue_id, "dataRowIds": data_row_ids }, timeout=180.0, experimental=True)["project"][method]["taskId"] task = self._wait_for_task(task_id) if task.status != "COMPLETE": raise LabelboxError(f"Data rows were not moved successfully: " + json.dumps(task.errors))
def _wait_for_task(self, task_id: str) -> Task: task = Task.get_task(self.client, task_id) task.wait_till_done() return task
[docs] def upload_annotations( self, name: str, annotations: Union[str, Path, Iterable[Dict]], validate: bool = False) -> 'BulkImportRequest': # type: ignore """ Uploads annotations to a new Editor project. Args: name (str): name of the BulkImportRequest job annotations (str or Path or Iterable): url that is publicly accessible by Labelbox containing an ndjson file OR local path to an ndjson file OR iterable of annotation rows validate (bool): Whether or not to validate the payload before uploading. Returns: BulkImportRequest """ if isinstance(annotations, str) or isinstance(annotations, Path): def _is_url_valid(url: Union[str, Path]) -> bool: """ Verifies that the given string is a valid url. Args: url: string to be checked Returns: True if the given url is valid otherwise False """ if isinstance(url, Path): return False parsed = urlparse(url) return bool(parsed.scheme) and bool(parsed.netloc) if _is_url_valid(annotations): return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_url( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, url=str(annotations), validate=validate) else: path = Path(annotations) if not path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError( f'{annotations} is not a valid url nor existing local file' ) return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_local_file( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, file=path, validate_file=validate, ) elif isinstance(annotations, Iterable): return Entity.BulkImportRequest.create_from_objects( client=self.client, project_id=self.uid, name=name, predictions=annotations, # type: ignore validate=validate) else: raise ValueError( f'Invalid annotations given of type: {type(annotations)}')
def _wait_until_data_rows_are_processed( self, data_row_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None, wait_processing_max_seconds: int = _wait_processing_max_seconds, sleep_interval=30): """ Wait until all the specified data rows are processed""" start_time = while True: if ( - start_time).total_seconds() >= wait_processing_max_seconds: raise ProcessingWaitTimeout( "Maximum wait time exceeded while waiting for data rows to be processed. Try creating a batch a bit later" ) all_good = self.__check_data_rows_have_been_processed( data_row_ids, global_keys) if all_good: return logger.debug( 'Some of the data rows are still being processed, waiting...') time.sleep(sleep_interval) def __check_data_rows_have_been_processed( self, data_row_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, global_keys: Optional[List[str]] = None): if data_row_ids is not None and len(data_row_ids) > 0: param_name = "dataRowIds" params = {param_name: data_row_ids} else: param_name = "globalKeys" global_keys = global_keys if global_keys is not None else [] params = {param_name: global_keys} query_str = """query CheckAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessedPyApi($%s: [ID!]) { queryAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed(%s:$%s) { allDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed } }""" % (param_name, param_name, param_name) response = self.client.execute(query_str, params) return response["queryAllDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed"][ "allDataRowsHaveBeenProcessed"]
[docs]class ProjectMember(DbObject): user = Relationship.ToOne("User", cache=True) role = Relationship.ToOne("Role", cache=True) access_from = Field.String("access_from")
[docs]class LabelingParameterOverride(DbObject): """ Customizes the order of assets in the label queue. Attributes: priority (int): A prioritization score. number_of_labels (int): Number of times an asset should be labeled. """ priority = Field.Int("priority") number_of_labels = Field.Int("number_of_labels") data_row = Relationship.ToOne("DataRow", cache=True)
LabelerPerformance = namedtuple( "LabelerPerformance", "user count seconds_per_label, total_time_labeling " "consensus average_benchmark_agreement last_activity_time") LabelerPerformance.__doc__ = ( "Named tuple containing info about a labeler's performance.") def _check_converter_import(): if 'LBV1Converter' not in globals(): raise ImportError( "Missing dependencies to import converter. " "Use `pip install labelbox[data] --upgrade` to add missing dependencies. " "or download raw json with project.export_labels()")