Source code for labelbox.schema.webhook

import logging
from enum import Enum
from typing import Iterable

from labelbox.orm import query
from labelbox.orm.db_object import DbObject, Updateable
from labelbox.orm.model import Entity, Field, Relationship

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Webhook(DbObject, Updateable): """Represents a server-side rule for sending notifications to a web-server whenever one of several predefined actions happens within a context of a Project or an Organization. Attributes: updated_at (datetime) created_at (datetime) url (str) topics (str): LABEL_CREATED, LABEL_UPDATED, LABEL_DELETED status (str): ACTIVE, INACTIVE, REVOKED """
# For backwards compatibility for topic in Status: vars()[] = topic.value for status in Topic: vars()[] = status.value updated_at = Field.DateTime("updated_at") created_at = Field.DateTime("created_at") url = Field.String("url") topics = Field.String("topics") status = Field.String("status") created_by = Relationship.ToOne("User", False, "created_by") organization = Relationship.ToOne("Organization") project = Relationship.ToOne("Project")
[docs] @staticmethod def create(client, topics, url, secret, project) -> "Webhook": """Creates a Webhook. Args: client (Client): The Labelbox client used to connect to the server. topics (list of str): A list of topics this Webhook should get notifications for. Must be one of Webhook.Topic url (str): The URL to which notifications should be sent by the Labelbox server. secret (str): A secret key used for signing notifications. project (Project or None): The project for which notifications should be sent. If None notifications are sent for all events in your organization. Returns: A newly created Webhook. Raises: ValueError: If the topic is not one of Topic or status is not one of Status Information on configuring your server can be found here (this is where the url points to and the secret is set). """ if not secret: raise ValueError("Secret must be a non-empty string.") if not topics: raise ValueError("Topics must be a non-empty list.") if not url: raise ValueError("URL must be a non-empty string.") Webhook.validate_topics(topics) project_str = ( "" if project is None else ('project:{id:"%s"},' % project.uid) ) query_str = """mutation CreateWebhookPyApi { createWebhook(data:{%s topics:{set:[%s]}, url:"%s", secret:"%s" }){%s} } """ % ( project_str, " ".join(topics), url, secret, query.results_query_part(Entity.Webhook), ) return Webhook(client, client.execute(query_str)["createWebhook"])
@staticmethod def validate_topics(topics) -> None: if isinstance(topics, str) or not isinstance(topics, Iterable): raise TypeError( f"Topics must be List[Webhook.Topic]. Found `{topics}`" ) for topic in topics: Webhook.validate_value(topic, Webhook.Topic) @staticmethod def validate_value(value, enum) -> None: supported_values = {item.value for item in enum} if value not in supported_values: raise ValueError( f"Value `{value}` does not exist in supported values. Expected one of {supported_values}" )
[docs] def delete(self) -> None: """ Deletes the webhook """ self.update(status=self.Status.INACTIVE.value)
[docs] def update(self, topics=None, url=None, status=None): """Updates the Webhook. Args: topics (Optional[List[Topic]]): The new topics. url Optional[str): The new URL value. status (Optional[Status]): The new status. If an argument is set to None then no updates will be made to that field. """ # Webhook has a custom `update` function due to custom types # in `status` and `topics` fields. if topics is not None: self.validate_topics(topics) if status is not None: self.validate_value(status, self.Status) topics_str = ( "" if topics is None else "topics: {set: [%s]}" % " ".join(topics) ) url_str = "" if url is None else 'url: "%s"' % url status_str = "" if status is None else "status: %s" % status query_str = """mutation UpdateWebhookPyApi { updateWebhook(where: {id: "%s"} data:{%s}){%s}} """ % ( self.uid, ", ".join(filter(None, (topics_str, url_str, status_str))), query.results_query_part(Entity.Webhook), ) self._set_field_values(self.client.execute(query_str)["updateWebhook"])