Source code for labelbox.schema.enums

from enum import Enum

[docs]class AnnotationImportState(Enum): """State of the import job when importing annotations (RUNNING, FAILED, or FINISHED). .. list-table:: :widths: 15 150 :header-rows: 1 * - State - Description * - RUNNING - Indicates that the import job is not done yet. * - FAILED - Indicates the import job failed. Check `AnnotationImport.errors` for more information * - FINISHED - Indicates the import job is no longer running. Check `AnnotationImport.statuses` for more information """ RUNNING = "RUNNING" FAILED = "FAILED" FINISHED = "FINISHED"
[docs]class CollectionJobStatus(Enum): """Status of an asynchronous job over a collection. * - State - Description * - SUCCESS - Indicates job has successfully processed entire collection of data * - PARTIAL SUCCESS - Indicates some data in the collection has succeeded and other data have failed * - FAILURE - Indicates job has failed to process entire collection of data """ SUCCESS = "SUCCESS" PARTIAL_SUCCESS = "PARTIAL SUCCESS" FAILURE = "FAILURE"